Dr. Will’s Podcasts As Host and Producer of About Health

Relationships & Health – How Relationships Can Hurt Us & How They Can Help Us
For better or worse, relationships have a real impact on our physical and mental health. In this episode, we explore how our relationships impact our health – and what we can do to leverage our relationships to improve our health and well-being. Joining me is Rosie Shrout, University of Nevada researcher, and Christina Nelsen, Clinical Psychologist.
On A New Dietary Plan or Thinking About Trying One? Here’s What To Consider
It seems everyone is talking about diets – and dozens of them, from Mediterranean, to flexitarian, or Keto, DASH, Weight Watchers, Vegan, or Paleo. There’s confusion about these diets, and their potential harm and benefits – particularly based on unique, personal needs. Listen to this discussion on diets with two leading nutritionists, Andrea Giancoli and Jill West.
How To Be Successful in Sticking To Your New Year Resolutions
About half of Americans make New Year resolutions – often to improve their health – but most are unable to stick to them. Listen to this discussion on successful strategies to keep your resolutions, with Dr. Will Courtenay and his guest, Karen Owoc, an expert on behavioral change with Kaiser Permanente.
Health Disparities in Ethnic and Sexual Minority Men and Boys
Ethnic and sexual minority males face the greatest health risks, including the shortest lives and least health care access. Hear this discussion with two authors of a just-released report by the American Psychological Association about this issue, Perry Halkitis, School of Public Health Dean at Rutgers University, and Derek Griffith, Associate Professor at Vanderbilt University.
Balancing The Risks and Benefits of Sun Exposure
Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the U.S. In California, two people die from melanoma each day. Most of these deaths could have been prevented. In this episode we speak with University of California dermatologist Dr. Rita Khodosh about skin cancer and protecting yourself – as well as the health benefits of sun exposure.
CHOLESTEROL – What It Is, Controlling It And Its Effect on Heart Disease
Heart disease is the leading killer. Cholesterol is one contributing factor we can change to reduce our risk. But people are often confused about cholesterol and how to do that. Hear the discussion with two UCSF cardiologists, Dr. Rita Redberg, editor of JAMA Internal Medicine, and Dr. Ethan Weiss from the Cardiovascular Research Institute.
Distracted & Aggressive Driving – And How To Stay Safe & Calm On The Road
Car crashes are the leading cause of death for people under 35 and the 5th leading cause for everyone. These deaths are largely preventable, the result of distracted or aggressive driving. Join me in discussing how to stay safe and calm while driving, with John Moreno, Public Affairs Manager for AAA and psychologist Bob Nemerovski.
Trying to Change The Way Your Body Looks? Body Image, Eating Disorders & Other Health Problems
Most Americans are dissatisfied with their physical appearance, often resulting in eating disorders and physical or mental health problems. This affects females and males, young and old, of all economic and ethnic backgrounds. Join me and Harvard psychologist Roberto Olivardia, co-author of The Adonis Complex, and therapist Laurelee Roark co-author of It’s Not About Food.
Are Implanted Medical Devices Creating A “Danger Within Us”?
Unlike medications, only 5% of medical devices have undergone two clinical trials. Consequently, hundreds of thousands of patients’ are irreparably harmed each year by these devices. Award-winning medical investigative journalist Jeanne Lenzer, author of The Danger Within Us, joins us on About Health to discuss this subject, along with orthopedic trauma surgeon Dr. Adam Warren.
Flu & Cold Season – What You Can Do To Prevent & Treat Illness
Flu season’s off to an early and deadly start in California. Dr. Will Courtenay and his guests will discuss traditional and alternative approaches to preventing and treating colds and flus. Guests are Dr. Art Reingold, Professor of Epidemiology at UC Berkeley, and Chris Kresser, Co-Director of the California Center for Functional Medicine and author of the New York Time’s bestseller, The Paleo Cure, as well as the new book Unconventional Medicine.
Improving Your Heart Health – What New Blood Pressure Guidelines Mean For You
Nearly half of all U.S. adults have high blood pressure, based on newly released guidelines for determining hypertension. Join Dr. Will Courtenay and his guests – Drs. Elaine Ku and Matthew Muldoon – in a discussion about what these guidelines mean for you and how you can improve your blood pressure, and your heart health in general.
Sexual Harassment & Abuse – How Survivors Can Heal
Most women have experienced sexual harassment, and 1 in 6 women will be the victim of sexual assault or rape. Listen to a discussion about healing from sexual violence with Dr. Will Courtenay and guests Wendy Maltz, psychotherapist and author of The Sexual Healing Journey, and Dr. Brigee Jackson from Bay Area Women Against Rape.
Shocking Rise in STDs In California
Dr. Will talks about the startling rise in sexually transmitted diseases in California detailed in a new report released by the state’s Department of Public Health. He discuses this, along with how to identify STDs and what to do about them, with two physicians, including the Chief of California’s Public Health STD Control Program. (NOTE: About Health begins a little more than 3 minutes into this podcast, which starts out with a California wildfire update.)
Functional Limitations & Functional Fitness
One in 3 people suffers from a functional limitation that limits their ability to carry out daily activities – like climbing stairs or picking up a child. Hear Dr. Will talk with a clinical exercise physiologist about how to remedy these problems with functional fitness, which is not like just like any kind of exercise but can be done by anyone.
The Health Effects of Climate Change
A new, national consortium of physicians has formed to educate the public and policymakers about the harmful health effects of climate change – which the World Health Organization calls the greatest threat to human health. Dr. Will talks with two of these physicians about the health effects of climate change.
National Men’s Health Month
Dr. Will and his guests discuss the current health status of men, who are still dying 5 years younger than women and have higher death rates for all leading causes of death. Listen to hear the screenings or other preventive health measures that men should be taking right now.
New National Campaign to Decrease Smoking
There is a new national campaign to decrease smoking in the U.S. Hear Dr. Will and his guests discuss this campaign, smoking, cigarettes, strategies for successfully stopping smoking – as well as the effects of exposure to secondhand smoke, and smoking from a social justice perspective.
Workplace Health & Safety – On May 1st International Workers’ Day
Each day in the U.S., 13 people die on the job, 7,500 people suffer work-related injuries, another 400 people suffer work-related illnesses and 150 die from chronic occupational illnesses. May 1st is International Workers’ Day and Dr. Will and his guests discuss workers’ health and safety.
National Colon Cancer Awareness Month – Risks, Screening & Prevention
March is National Colon Cancer Awareness Month. Hear Dr. Will and his guests discuss ways to avoid this very preventable cancer, including effective non-invasive screening alternatives to colonoscopies.
The Health Effects of Social Isolation
The Surgeon General says there is an epidemic of social isolation in our country. Hear host Dr. Will Courtenay talk with his guests about the health effects of social isolation and what we can do to address this problem.
Behavioral Change & Sticking to Your New Year Resolutions
As host of About Health, Dr. Will talks with two guests about sticking to your New Year resolutions, including a leading expert on behavior change.
The Science of Gratitude
As host of the program About Health, Dr. Will interviews two neuroscientists about the science of gratitude, its positive effects on our health and well-being, and how to cultivate a mindset of thankfulness.