Should I Get Help?

If you’re like most men, you’ve been taught to hide your emotional concerns. But hiding anxiety only makes it worse and can lead to other serious problems.

And there’s really no need to hide anxiety. It’s common. In fact, anxiety is just as common — and just as real — as physical problems, like heart disease and a broken ankle. They can also be as crippling.

Although anxiety can be crippling, it’s also a very treatable condition. Left untreated, however, anxiety often worsens and can result in damaging, long-term consequences for you, your kids, your marriage, your career, and your future. So, if you’re reluctant to get help for yourself, consider doing it for the well-being of your kids or the people close to you.

Getting help is a sign of strength

For many men, one of the biggest obstacles to seeing a mental health professional is the concern that if others — like coworkers — found out, something bad will happen or they’ll lose respect. Don’t let these fears impact your family, your relationship with your partner, or your future success. Muster the courage to ask for the help you need.

Remember, anxiety is not a weakness of character. It’s a mental condition that’s treatable.

Research shows, finding a therapist who you’re comfortable with — and one who understands men — is critical for psychotherapy to be effective for you. But it’s not easy to find an experienced therapist who’s skilled at working with men. I’ve trained thousands of health professionals nationwide in how to best help men, and have helped men in individual counseling and psychotherapy for over 20 years. I’d like to help you.

I know asking for help is sometimes hard, but phoning now is a start. Give me a call at 415-346-6719. I’ll be happy to talk with you and answer any questions you might have.

“Talk therapy” – or psychotherapy or counseling – is a proven effective way to reduce anxiety, and to feel better about yourself and your life.

Are you looking for a counselor, psychologist or
psychotherapist, or counseling and psychotherapy services for anxiety? Click here for the
contact page.

For a free phone consultation or to contact Dr. Courtenay directly,
phone – or text – 415-346-6719 or email him at

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