Watch a lengthy interview of Dr. Courtenay with CNN Anchor Fredricka Whitfield on the subject of men’s postpartum...

“As many as one in four new dads may experience what’s called paternal postnatal depression, and the problem can be more than just psychological, Courtenay said” Listen to the entire Good Morning America interview of Dr. Courtenay...

Part 1 of Dr. Will’s interview about contemporary fatherhood with DreX on KGO radio. (Note: To hear the callers questions, you’ll need to listen to the podcast...

Part 2 of Dr. Will’s interview about contemporary fatherhood with DreX on KGO radio. (Note: To hear the callers questions, you’ll need to listen to the podcast...

Part 3 of Dr. Will’s interview about contemporary fatherhood with DreX on KGO radio. (Note: To hear the callers questions, you’ll need to listen to the podcast...

People often think cosmetic surgery is something only women do. But that’s changed. At least 1 in 4 men says he’d consider cosmetic surgery. Hear Dr. Courtenay interviewed on the...